Why the Roar of Engines Excites the Soul


The Indy Grand Prix Street Race Has Started Again This Year!

When I open my window, the roar of racing engines echoes through the blue sky, buzzing with excitement. It looks like the Monaco Grand Prix, but without the hills—just a stunning blue ocean in the background, leading to a finish line on a small airport runway.

Over the past few days, my usual walking paths have been swiftly closed off, transformed into a road race circuit with towering fences stretching along the course. At the finish line, grandstands capable of holding hundreds of thousands of spectators have been assembled. Just seeing them being put together was enough to make me excited! The tickets for these seats are pricey, but personally, I highly recommend them. Just don’t forget sunscreen and a hat!

In everyday life, when an engine suddenly revs loudly in front of me, I’d normally think, That’s so noisy! But strangely, even when the exhaust notes of these racing cars buzz on all day, they don’t feel noisy at all. (Of course, if you're right next to the track, earplugs are a must!) Instead, I can’t stop feeling excited! Isn’t that a little odd?

As I’m writing this, I’m intentionally leaving my window open just to enjoy the sound of the engines buzzing.

Why does the sound of racing engines make me so excited, and how does this nonstop noise become something pleasant...?

The Higher the RPM, the Higher the Frequency of the Engine Sound

Of course, the way people resonate with excitement varies from person to person.

For those who love motorsports, hearing the sound of a race engine raises their heart rate, releases adrenaline, and unconsciously puts their body into an excited state.

What fascinates me is that when I'm in the enclosed space of a road race track, my mind becomes calm within the noise. (again, with the ear-plugs..lol)
According to analysis, this is because the consistency and pattern of the sound guide the brain into a steady rhythm, allowing one to enter a kind of meditative state. Isn't that incredibly surprising?

Those who are passionate about it can even distinguish the unique personality of each exhaust note. Since this is an IndyCar race, it might sound different from an F1 car in terms of sound and intensity. Each engine has its own "voice," often described as the soul of the machine. If you truly want to immerse yourself in this, then events like the Daytona 24 Hours endurance race (which I can’t even imagine!) or NASCAR in Florida would be a must-see.

Many people enjoy the exhaust note as an "art form," finding fulfillment in the symphony created by the machines. Just like an orchestra, the complex yet harmonious sounds appeal to human sensibilities. That’s truly wonderful. I haven’t quite reached that level yet, but this time, I thought I might try listening more consciously with that in mind.

However, not everyone enjoys the noise, and as we move toward a future of electric cars and bikes, everything will undoubtedly change...

That being said, this weekend, even though I’m not a hardcore fan, I’ll be going to watch the race, fully immersing myself in the thrilling sound of racing engines to boost my energy levels to the max :)