Whispers of Unconditional Love"


My son occasionally finds little handwritten notes left on his car.

It happens when he steps away for just a few minutes—maybe running into the grocery store or picking up dry cleaning. Someone quietly places a message on his windshield.

Some might find it intrusive, but if it were me, my heart would probably melt.

Here in St. Petersburg, Florida, hundreds of little "signs of happiness" are posted on utility poles throughout the city. These messages don’t push an agenda or demand anything. They simply serve as a gentle reminder of the happiness that exists right here, in this very moment. And that makes everyday life feel even more precious.

A few years ago, while looking up at the sky in Sarasota, I happened to see a plane writing words of love across the blue canvas.

After a little heart symbol came the words: "Jesus Loves U."

I will never forget the shock of seeing those bright white letters etched against the endless sky.

I later learned that the pilot usually flies over Orlando, so witnessing that moment felt like a little miracle.

Of course, someone could just shrug and say, “I don’t believe in God.”

But it doesn’t have to be about God. You can call it "the heavens," "the universe," or anything that resonates with you.

What matters is this:

You are infinitely loved.

Because at its core, this message is a whisper from unconditional love itself—reminding you that you are cherished, just as you are. 💙✨